Hello... I'm Carrie.
Thank you for taking the time to learn more about me. Here is a short introductory video where I share about lessons learned during a crisis communications incident.
My Story
I am the daughter of a career-long sixth grade teacher. My mother's example inspired my love for learning and passion for teaching as a profession.
After graduating high school, I went to community college as I wasn't sure what direction to take my future career. I considered teaching elementary school to follow in my mother's footsteps but didn't feel connected to that decision. After my first college communications course, I knew that my future career would involve communications in some capacity. That was the first step that led to a successful 16-year career in corporate and government public affairs.
Throughout my career, I sought opportunities to involve teaching as a component of the communications work I was doing. For example, while working at a law enforcement agency, I was part of a team that conceptualized and implemented a 40-hour course titled Effective Law Enforcement Communications to teach public safety personnel how to message effectively during a crisis. I've also had the opportunity to be a guest speaker at many college-level courses and conferences.
Now, with the knowledge and skill I've gained through obtaining a Master's in Communications and Leadership with a concentration on college-level teaching from Gonzaga University, I am enthused about the possibility of becoming a professor.
A guiding quote that I have framed on my office wall from the extraordinary author, actress, poet, civil rights activist, and professor Maya Angelou states, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” I believe this sentiment will be a north star, my “why” in creating a classroom environment rooted in trust, open communication, and kindness. I believe students learn best when they feel welcomed, comfortable, supported, and safe. Curating this type of classroom while holding high standards requires intentional implementation of a clear teaching philosophy. In her book Teaching Communication and Media Studies, Jan Fernback (2015) states that a teaching philosophy is an important first step in articulating a vision for what can be accomplished in the classroom and in the curriculum. My teaching philosophy aligns most closely with an Ignatian pedagogical approach, best outlined by the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm.
I see my instructor role as a mentor and facilitator of the sharing of ideas and experiences between myself and the students, and between the students themselves. Fernback (2015) astutely describes knowledge creation as “a process that evolves from experience” (p. 58). I want to provide the opportunity for students to learn from my experience, and also learn from one another’s experience and through analyzing their own experience. Then, after experience is shared and reflected on, students will be moved to action through creating. This approach is supported by the Ignatian Pedagogical Paradigm’s emphasis on the continuous cycle of learning which urges students to move beyond knowledge to action (Faculty Center for Ignatian Pedagogy, n.d).
Creating a safe space inside and outside of the classroom hinges heavily on awareness and kindness. As a professor, I intend to promote these cornerstones as the basis for learning. By becoming more aware of ourselves, others, and the world around us and approaching differences with kindness, we will become life-long learners. This does not mean that students will always agree with me or with one another. We will practice how to agree and disagree with kindness by focusing on facts, using “I” statements, and finding the good in the other person’s point of view. Building awareness and kindness is an endeavor that will never cease. It is a muscle that we will flex frequently in the hopes that in the future, the strength of awareness and kindness will be easier to access when needed most.